Hiring Solution Service Overview We provide an end-to-end hiring service tailored for Entry-Level / Line Level positions in the following domains :Sales & MarketingFinanceHROperationsOur tracking system includes :Identification of Aligned CandidatesTwo Layer ScreeningIntense Qualitative Evaluation of Prior RolesSustainability CheckFinal round preparation Interventions Model Source : Allen, W. C. (2006). Overview and evolution of the ADDIE training system. Advances in developing human resources, 8(4), 430-441. Special Features Low TAT, Pocket FriendlyBacked By Industry ResearchExpert Team End-to-End ServicesInnovative Training MethodologiesGuaranteed Performance Metrics Why Our Hiring Solution System Driven ApproachReplacement ClausesAffordable, lower than the industry rateRight candidate pool Low cost of operation24 X 7 supportRecognition & AwardTailored for start-Ups and Small Corporates Industry Clients