Become a "Pro" from a  "Naive"

Why settle for the ‘piece’ when you can passionately create the ‘whole’......... Achieve beyond

Welcome to 100Marketeers, Kolkata, The Birthplace of 21st Century Marketeers!

Benefits of Having A "Pro" Marketer

Drive Business Growth

Competitive Advantage

Targeted Audience Engagement

Maximize ROI

Brand Building

Customer Insights

Adaptability to Trends

Innovation and Creativity

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Risk Mitigation

Where Are We Different?

We have 4 unique differentiators in the marketing training vertical


Affordable and Customized Workshops / Intervention


24x7 Assistance


Scientific Training Methods followed by pre and post assessments


Observation and measurement for post training performance improvements

Our Intervention Methodology

Source : Allen, W. C. (2006). Overview and evolution of the ADDIE training system. Advances in developing human resources, 8(4), 430-441.